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new feature
Introducing Subaccounts for Whitelabelify

We are excited to introduce a powerful new feature for Whitelabelify: Subaccounts. Designed to enhance team collaboration and streamline the management of your whitelabeled SaaS products, Subaccounts allows users to create and manage multiple subaccounts based on their subscription type. This feature ensures that each team member can efficiently oversee specific aspects of the whitelabels under the main account, facilitating smoother operations and better productivity.

Product Overview

With Subaccounts, Whitelabelify users can delegate responsibilities and assign specific whitelabel projects to team members. This functionality is ideal for businesses looking to scale their operations and improve organizational efficiency. Each subaccount can be customized with different permissions and access levels, ensuring that the right people have the right tools to succeed.

Key features include:

  • Multiple Subaccounts Creation: Create subaccounts based on your subscription type to manage your team effectively.
  • Customized Permissions and Access Levels: Assign different roles and permissions to subaccounts to control access to various features and data.
  • Streamlined Whitelabel Management: Each subaccount can oversee specific whitelabel projects, ensuring focused and efficient management.
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: Facilitate better collaboration by giving team members access to the tools and information they need.

new feature
Introducing Customizable AI Model Selection for Whitelabelify's OpenAI Integration

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to Whitelabelify's OpenAI Integration: the ability to choose the AI model for each product. This new feature provides greater flexibility and precision, allowing users to select the most suitable AI model for their specific use cases, thereby optimizing performance and outcomes.

Product Overview

With the new AI Model Selection feature, Whitelabelify users can customize the AI model used for their whitelabeled products. This allows for tailored solutions that better meet the unique needs of different applications, whether it's for content generation, customer support, data analysis, or other AI-driven functionalities. This enhancement empowers users to leverage the full spectrum of OpenAI's capabilities, ensuring that each product operates at its best.

Key features include:

  • Customizable AI Model Selection: Choose from a variety of AI models provided by OpenAI, each optimized for different tasks and use cases.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Tailor the AI model to specific product requirements, ensuring optimal performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate the chosen AI model into your existing whitelabel products without complex configurations.
  • Improved Outcomes: Select the best AI model to enhance the functionality and effectiveness of your SaaS products.

Up next
OpenAI API Key Control for Whitelabelify

We are thrilled to unveil a powerful new feature for Whitelabelify: AI Integration with customizable API key options. This feature empowers whitelabel owners and their customers to harness the power of AI (via OpenAI) in a way that best suits their operational needs. Now, you can choose whether your customers will use the Whitelabel owner’s API key or provide their own, offering greater flexibility and control.

Product Overview

With the AI Integration feature, Whitelabelify users can integrate advanced AI capabilities into their SaaS products effortlessly. This integration allows for sophisticated functionalities such as AI-driven content generation, customer support automation, and more. The flexibility of using either the Whitelabel owner’s API key or individual customer API keys ensures that you can manage costs and security according to your preferences.

Key features include:

  • AI-Powered Capabilities: Integrate AI functionalities powered by OpenAI, enhancing your product’s capabilities.
  • Customizable API Key Options: Choose between using the Whitelabel owner’s API key or allowing customers to provide their own.
  • Enhanced Flexibility and Control: Manage costs and security by selecting the API key configuration that best suits your business model.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily incorporate AI functionalities into your existing whitelabel products without complex configurations.

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Introducing Seamless IPN Integration for Whitelabelify

We are thrilled to announce a powerful new feature for Whitelabelify: Seamless IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Integration. This feature simplifies the process of integrating popular payment platforms such as JVZoo, WarriorPlus, ClickBank, PayKickStart, and other platforms later with your whitelabel products. Now, users can easily generate IPN URLs for each whitelabel, streamlining transaction notifications and enhancing their payment processing capabilities.

Product Overview

With the new IPN Integration feature, Whitelabelify users can effortlessly connect their whitelabel products to major payment platforms. This integration ensures that transaction notifications are received in real-time, allowing for efficient order processing, customer management, and financial tracking. The ability to generate unique IPN URLs for each whitelabel product adds a layer of customization and control, making it easier to manage multiple products and platforms.

Key features include:

  • Easy IPN Integration: Simplify the integration of JVZoo, WarriorPlus, ClickBank, nd PayKickStart, and other platforms later with your whitelabel products.
  • Unique IPN URLs: Generate specific IPN URLs for each whitelabel product, ensuring accurate and efficient transaction tracking.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Receive instant payment notifications to streamline order processing and customer management.
  • Enhanced Payment Processing: Improve the efficiency and accuracy of your payment workflows with seamless IPN integration.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily configure and manage IPN settings through the Whitelabelify dashboard.

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Exciting Payment System Updates

We're thrilled to introduce new Payment Settings. Now, alongside the existing Single Time Payment option, you can offer your customers the flexibility of Monthly, Yearly, and Quarterly subscriptions and a more flexible Credit Recharge System.

What's New:

  • Multiple Subscription Options: Choose from Monthly, Yearly, or Quarterly subscriptions to fit your customers' needs.

  • Custom Pricing for Credit Recharges: Now, you have the power to set custom prices for credit recharges within your products that utilize a credit system. This feature empowers you to tailor pricing to your customers' needs, giving you greater control over revenue streams and spending.

  • Seamless Integration: Enjoy smooth transactions with industry leaders Paypal and Stripe.

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Introducing B2B Lead Gen & Prospecting New Product

Are you ready to revolutionize your client acquisition strategy? We are thrilled to introduce B2B Lead Gen & Prospecting, a groundbreaking white-label SaaS product designed to equip marketers, freelancers, and agency owners with the ultimate tool for landing more clients. Powered by AI-prospecting, our solution is poised to save you countless hours and substantial effort while securing potential clients in any industry.

B2B Lead Gen & Prospecting employs advanced machine learning algorithms that scrutinize your specified keywords, locate hot prospects, and generate tailor-made website audit reports and brand-new website copy for each prospect. This solution will arm you with the tools to impress potential clients and skyrocket your conversion rates.

What B2B Lead Gen & Prospecting Can Offer:

  • Extensive B2B Leads Database: Access up to 4,000,000+ B2B leads and create a customized list of leads from multiple sources.
  • AI-Generated Website Analysis Reports: Produce comprehensive, AI-driven website analysis reports to wow potential clients.
  • Website Audit Reports: Develop detailed audit reports for potential clients, providing upfront value and establishing strong rapport.
  • Intelligent Prospect Targeting: Reach decision-makers directly, bypassing gatekeepers for more effective client acquisition.
  • Ready-To-Use Website Audits: Impress prospects with instantly available website audit reports that provide actionable insights.
  • AI-Crafted Website Copy: Generate captivating website copy using advanced AI algorithms, enabling you to sell to prospects and get paid immediately.
  • Streamlined Client Acquisition: Simplify the process of securing new deals with minimal effort, thanks to our AI-powered prospecting tool.

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365 Days AI: Transform Your Social Media Marketing with Automation and AI

Are you ready to revolutionize your social media marketing strategy? We are excited to introduce 365 Days AI, a groundbreaking platform designed to automate and elevate your content creation and marketing efforts. Perfect for businesses, marketers, and entrepreneurs, 365 Days AI offers AI-powered tools to generate a full year of engaging social media content effortlessly.

Product Overview

365 Days AI allows users to create a comprehensive 365-day marketing plan with just a few clicks. This AI-driven platform not only automates content schedules but also generates high-quality posts tailored for various social media platforms, ensuring your content resonates with your audience.

Key features include:

  • AI-Powered Content Generation: Automatically create high-quality social media content tailored to your audience and branding.
  • 365-Day Marketing Planner: Plan and schedule a year’s worth of social media posts in advance with an intelligent automation tool.
  • Customization Options: Tailor every piece of content with options to add your own text, images, and brand elements.
  • Direct Social Media Integration: Post directly to major social media platforms from the 365 Days AI dashboard.
  • Real-Time Content Refinement: Modify content based on audience engagement and feedback to ensure optimal performance.
  • Commercial Agency Rights: Utilize 365 Days AI for client projects and expand your service offerings as a marketing agency.

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